Refunds Policy


Should you not be satisfied with your online purchase, you may return it to Z Customs and we will replace it or credit your account, subject to the below terms. 

This policy applies to items bought from Z Customs through our online store.


Returns of unwanted goods will be accepted at no charge, providing:

-The item is not damaged, used or fitted.

-The item is in its original packaging, with original labels/stickers still attached.

-The item is not missing any components/accessories.

-You logged the return on the website within 7 days of the delivery/collection.

After 7 days, you may only return the item if it is defective.

You will be refunded with the purchase price of the product within 14 days should your return be validated. 


If we accidentally deliver the incorrect item to you, or if the item is not as described on our website, please notify us immediately and we will arrange for collection of the item at no charge. Once the return has been inspected and validated, we will either deliver the correct item to you (if item is available) or credit your account with the purchase price of the product within 1 days.

If the product is damaged or missing components upon delivery, please follow the process set out below.


We always try to ensure that the products we deliver are of high quality and without defects. Should an item be damaged or missing components at the time of delivery, please notify us immediately and we will arrange for collection of the item at no charge. Once the return has been inspected and validated, we will either repair or replace the item.

Please note that the following will NOT be regarded as defects and will not entitle you to a return/refund under this section:

The item does not suit you, although accurately described on the website and fit for its intended purpose.

-The item is used or shows signs of mishandling.

-The item has been repackaged.

-The item has been damaged due to unauthorised alterations or failure to adequately care for it.

-The item is damaged due to electrical surges or sea corrosion.

-The item is faulty due to normal wear and tear.

-The item is damaged due to user negligence/abuse or incorrect usage.


If you return a defective item without all the components that were sold with the item, we are entitled to (subject to law) refuse the return; or only to replace the part that was returned; or to calculate the value of the missing parts and credit/refund you for the returned part only.

If you return an item that does not comply with this Policy, you may be liable to reimburse Z Customs for the collection/return cost.

Please note we only refund to the payment method you originally used to purchase the item- 

Payments by credit card will be refunded to the same credit card, payment by instant EFT or COD (cash on delivery) will be refunded to your nominated bank account.